Kataev M.Yu., Lukuanov A.K. The method of empirical orthogonal functions in the task of the CO2 total content retrieving according to satellite fourier spectrometer GOSAT data
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Kataev Mikhail Yurievich
Professor, Department of Automated Control Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics; Professor, Yurga Technological Institute (branch) of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
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Prospect Lenina, 40, 634050 Tomsk, Russian Federation
Lukuanov Andrey Kirillovich
Post-graduated Student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
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Prospect Lenina, 40, 634050 Tomsk, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article describes a method for solving of the inverse problem of the CO2 total content retrieving from GOSAT satellite data, based on the method of empirical orthogonal functions. Given results of the processing of the real satellite data.
The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide acts in the atmosphere, as the glass in the room: he passes solar radiation and drops back into space infrared (thermal) radiation of the Earth. The content of greenhouse gases – CO2, Methane and other gases associated with industrial activity of the human steadily increases. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a potent scavenger of terrestrial radiation, which otherwise would disperse in space.
In modern times is becoming popular development of the different computer models of climate change on the Earth on the basis of natural and anthropogenic factors. They are based on variants of interaction of different climatic parameters, such as soil, air, water, glaciers and solar energy. For each part of the planet, scientists have calculated the effect of such factors as temperature, rotation of the Earth, part of the surface above sea level and other climatic conditions. These models require extensive flows of baseline information, including information about the total CO2 content with detailed space-time grid over the globe.
For reliable determination of the CO2 total content, for validation of numerical models and developed on their basis of forecasts need a major review of the earth's surface for a long time. Until recently, in the world there was neither the methodology nor the instrumentation, which would combine the globality of measurements with high resolution. Such measurements are needed for testing and monitoring the effectiveness of introduced now international restrictions on the burning of fossil fuels and other.
Monitoring of CO2 in the atmosphere using space assets has not yet been adequately developed. Only two satellite instrument (SCIAMACHY and GOSAT) allow monitoring mode to measure the CO2 total content. For obtaining data on a global character requires accurate and localized measurements from satellites. Different methods of data processing of satellite measurements, when the device is large enough, however, to the small size of the spacecraft many tasks, such as equipment and techniques remain open. The most promising hardware solution, are spectroscopic measurements in the near infrared range with a high spectral resolution. For solving the inverse problem of restore of the total content of CO2 and other gases us proposes a methodology for the empirical orthogonal functions, which allows you to accurately and very quickly obtain acceptable for the accuracy of the solution (not more than 0,3–0,5 % or near 1 ppm.). This precision is sufficient for the work of many of numerical algorithms for solving problems of climate change, search sinks and sources of gas on the surface of the Earth and other.
Key words: inverse problem, greenhouse gases, gases total content, empirical orthogonal functions, Fourier-spectrometer, satellite data.
The method of empirical orthogonal functions in the task of the CO2 total content retrieving according to satellite Fourier spectrometer GOSAT data by Kataev M.Yu., Lukuanov A.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №2 (19) 2013 pp. 99-105