Mukhatov D.S., Zasov A.V. Information system GRVolSU for modeling of the disc gravitating systems
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Mukhatov Daniyar Sеrgееvich
Master Student in “Informatics and Computer Engineering”
Volgograd State University
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Prospekt Universitetskij, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Zasov Anatoliy Vladimirovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor, Department of Astrophysics and Stellar Astronomy
Moscow State University
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Universitetskij prospekt, 13, 119234 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. The rotation curves of disk components of the spiral galaxies is the source of important information about the dynamical properties of the galaxies. The rotation curve of the cold gaseous component allows to estimate the mass of the galaxy within a fixed radius.
It is possible to determine the individual masses of galactic components (bulge, disc, halo) using photometric observational data. It is obvious, that dark matter halo plays a crucial role in the dynamics of galaxies, hovewer the determination of the dark halo mass is a very complicated problem of modern astrophysics. Decomposition of the circular velocity gives the minimal value of the halo mass within the optical radius of the galaxy in the case of the maximum disc model.
At recent, extended rotation curves were found for thousands of spiral galaxies. For this data different specialized information systems applied efficiently for the galactic components decomposition. We briefly describe a new information system for simulating the rotation curves of disc gravitating systems in context of reconstruction of the volume and surface densities of the components. The program GRVolSU allows to build the circular velocity in the disc plane basing on the parameters of the gravitating density distributions of bulge, disc components and the halo. It is also possible to fit the observational dependence of the rotation curves by multi-component theoretical models.
Results of the galactic rotation curve decomposition may depends as on the model of the central spherical stellar component and on the model of dark matter halo density distribution. Therefore, the information system contains the King and Vaucouleurs models for the bulge density distribution. There are a wide range of the halo models: quasi-isothermal, Barket, Navarro–Frenk–White, exponential, logarithmic, Einasto, Hernquist profiles for volume density. Exponential model of the thin disc and the thick disc model are also included in the system. The interface of information system and test results were described in manuscript. The program was written in C# in the environment .NET Framework.
Key words: information system, models of disk galaxies, rotation curves, bulge, dark halo.
Information system GRVolSU for modeling of the disk gravitating systems by Mukhatov D.S., Zasov A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №1 (18) 2013 pp. 84-92