Butenko M.A., Khoperskov A.V. Dynamic modeling for estimating the galactic mass halo according to new data of the Masers kinematics


Butenko Maria Anatolievna

Lecturer, Department of Information System and Computer Modeling
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Khopеrskov Alеxandеr Valеntinovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Information System and Computer Modeling
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Observational data on the kinematics of the masers with measured trigonometric parallaxes lead to a revision of the quantitative parameters of our Galaxy rotation curve. In particular, the rotation velocity V near of the Sun, apparently, more than 250 km/s for the distance to the galactic center R = 8−8.5 kpc. The choice of velocity V and radius R values influences on decomposition of gravitational potential on the main subsystems’ result. In particular,  there is a problem of specification of the main galactic components’ masses — disk and dark halo. The masers kinematics data of the bulge and bar parameters, and vertical structure of the stellar disk were also used. The series of the Galaxys dynamical models are constructed assuming that the entire disk is near the gravitational-stability limit. On the basis of these models have been new estimates of the dark halo mass at different distances from the galaxy center within the radius of 12 kpc. Estimate mass values obtained with observational data of masers give the following results. Inside radius r < 12 kpc relative mass of the halo is µ(r)=M(r)/Md= 2, which is 25% higher than the previously obtained value of the coefficient µ = 1.6. Accordingly the observed distributions of dispersions stars velocities obtained in models with the values of the surface density in the solar neighborhood 66M/pc2, the total mass of a disk thus doesn’t exceed ×1010ofM5.

 Key words: Galaxy, Milky Way, rotation curve, masers, N-body simulation.

Creative Commons License
Dynamic Modeling for Estimating the Galactic Mass Halo According to New Data of the Masers Kinematics by Butenko M.A., Khoperskov A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №1 (20) 2014 pp. 61-69

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