Bashlaeva I.A., Shtelmakh T.V. Some issues of complexity of cyclic games solution on graphs
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Bashlaеva Irina Alеksandrovna
Postgraduate Student, Department of Fundamental Informatics and Optimal Control
Volgograd State University
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Shtеlmakh Tatyana Vladimirovna
Assistant, Department of Computer Sciences and Experimental Mathematics
Volgograd State University
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Abstract. The article specifies the top estimate of complexity of potential transformations algorithm for solving cyclic games on graphs. This estimate is
close to the lower estimate. The authors obtained the data on optimal deviation to solving cyclic games with temporary function on the oriented graphs. The finiteness of the algorithm results in high level of complexity. The article contains the analysis of exponential estimate of algorithm’s iterations.
close to the lower estimate. The authors obtained the data on optimal deviation to solving cyclic games with temporary function on the oriented graphs. The finiteness of the algorithm results in high level of complexity. The article contains the analysis of exponential estimate of algorithm’s iterations.
Key words: full data cyclic games, positional games, stationary Nash equilibrium, guaranteed time complexity, algorithm of potential transformations.
Some Issues of Complexity of Cyclic Games Solution on Graphs by Bashlaeva I.A., Shtelmakh T.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №2 (21) 2014 pp. 31-41