Science Journal of VolSU. Mathematics. Physics. 2014. № 5 (24)
Title: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. 2014 № 5 (24) [Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 1. Математика. Физика. 2014. № 5 (24)]
Issue: 5 (24) Date: November, 2014 Pages: 72
Articles: 6 Total circulation: 500
- Batkhin A.B. On the structure of the boundary of the set of stability of a certain multi-parameter hamiltonian system
- Kondrashov A.N. Beltrami equations with degenerate on arcs
- Popov V.V. On algorithm of numbering of triangulations
- Shamsudinov F.M. On an overdetermined system of second order diffirential equations with singular point
- Popov I.P. Some vector operations