Butеnko M.A. Statistical Processing of Images of Spiral Galaxies with Polygonal Structures


Butenko Maria Anatolievna

Senior Tutor, Department of Information System and Computer Modeling,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Straight segments in spiral structure of galactic discs are observed both in real galaxies and in numerical models. The paper describes the process of search and statistical processing of photographs galaxies containing straight segments («rows») in the spiral arms. When searching for galaxies with «rows» more than 4,000 images from catalog NGC and astronomical databases has been viewed. For statistical data 102 galaxies with polygonal structures were selected. Histograms were received for distributions on ranges of the following characteristics: the absolute magnitude of galaxy MB (H0=75 km/s Mpc); the HI mass-to-light ratio MHI/LB(in solar units); the number of rows detected in the galaxy, the distribution of linear sizes of rows. In general, the resulting sample of galaxies confirming previous A.D. Chernin et al. conclusions. It has been shown that some galaxies, such as NGC 5653, polygonal structures are found in pictures of old stars (for example, according to the 2MASS). It is revealed that most of the chosen galaxies are galaxies with bar. Geometric parameters of the observed objects are consistent with the results of numerical simulation of gas-dynamic. The angle between the rows averages 120

Key words: spiral galaxies, polygonal structures, rows, statistical data processing, astronomical databases.

Creative Commons License
Statistical Processing of Images of Spiral Galaxies with Polygonal Structures by Butеnko M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №1 (26) 2015 pp. 52-62

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