Zakharchеnko V.D., Pak O.V. Mathematical Modeling of Phase-Sensitive Mode of Radar Pulse Strobing Scheme
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Vladimir Dmitrievich Zakharchenko
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Radio Physics,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Oleg Viktorovich Pak
Master of Engineering, Leading Architect-Engineer,
Averiya Electronics LLC
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Kachintsev St., 39, 400010 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. We study a mathematical model of the radar pulse stroboscopic transformer, which consists of a multiplier and a narrowband filter tuned to the carrier difference frequency Ω. Additional capabilities of the transformer which allow extending its area of application in short radar signal phase measurements are studied. An asymptotic approach to anaysis is used which assumes a large time scale transformation factor (N >> 1) and strobing radar pulses significantly shorter than input signals.
It is shown that shifting the strobing pulse carrier frequency by an odd multiple of the first subharmonic of the strobing frequency allows transforming the radar signal’s phase structure into envelope modulation without employing additional phase-sensitive elements. Phase structure measurement can then be performed on a low intermediate frequency using amplitude methods. Results of seminatural modelling of the stroboscopic transformer phase-sensitive operation mode are presented, which were obtained on an experimental model built using ATmega16 and STM32F407 MCUs and a PC.
It is shown that if the clock frequency is synchronized to the second harmonic of the difference frequency Ω, additional phase modulation Δθ(t) = π t/NT appears in the signal’s complex envelope, where T is the input signal repetition period, N is the time scale transformation factor. As a result, this value appears to the stroboscopic processing system as carrier Doppler shift. Estimation of surplus phase Δφ accumulated for the transformed signal duration τu=Nτu yields Δφ=απ, which doesn’t depend on the spectral transformation factor N and is solely determined by the signal duty cycle α=τu/T.
Key words: stroboscopic transformation, narrowband signal, mathematical and seminatural modelling, in-pulse phase modulation, radioimpulse strobing, phase-sensitive mode.
Mathematical Modeling of Phase-Sensitive Mode of Radar Pulse Strobing Scheme by Zakharchеnko V.D., Pak O.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №2 (39) 2017 pp. 75-81