Zegarli´nski B. Crystallographic Groups for Hormander Fields


Boguslaw Zegarli´nski
Professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics,
Imperial College London
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South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK

Abstract. This is a preview paper on Crystallographic Groups of Hörmander Fields. We describe an emerging picture in analysis of extended groups. In particular, we introduce and provide examples of Crystallographic Groups associated to a Hörmander system of fields as well as discuss some related analysis.

Key words: extended Lie groups, noncommutative Dunkl-type operators, Markov semigroups, entropy & heat kernel bounds.

Creative Commons License

Crystallographic Groups for Hormander Fields by Zegarli´nski B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in English: Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. №3 (40) 2017 pp.43-64

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