Usacheva I.V., Volkova A.V. Software Development to Assess the Economic Efficiency of Operation and the Consequences of Upgrading the Equipment of Electric Grid Companies

Irina Vitalievna Usacheva
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods and Computer Science in Economics,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Anna Vyacheslavovna Volkova
Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Methods and Computer Science in Economics,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract.  The  purpose  of  this  work  is  to  develop  an  automated  system  for  making decisions on energy quality management, as well as diagnostics and management of electrical equipment. The creation of an intelligent automated system for managing the technical assets of power enterprises in the current conditions of high wear and tear of electric grid equipment, taking into account the changed market conditions, is a very urgent task. The system is aimed at solving the problem of optimization of the company’s network upgrade strategy, which at the current moment is quite acute for the owners of electric grid companies due to the high degree of equipment wear and significant losses of electricity in the medium and low voltage networks during its transmission. The solution of this scientific and technical task will significantly reduce the  company’s financial costs when upgrading the power grid equipment, make the renewal process of fixed assets more transparent  and financially efficient. The effect from the implementation of this task will allow us to obtain sufficiently reliable information for the management  of  technical  assets  on  the  basis  of  any  aggregated  accessible  information, regardless of the type of information, and to optimize financial losses in the modernization of power grid equipment, and as a result, to increase the company’s flexibility in tariff formation effect  for energy-intensive  business  in  general.  The  theoretical  research  in  the  field  of parameters of quality of electric energy and reliability of the equipment, in particular dependence of productivity and safety of the equipment, including electric equipment, on parameters of quality of the electric power, are carried out. The methods of their calculation are shown, and a list of  parameters is given that will be  used to create data sets in  the software product, through which it will be possible to monitor the equipment and make a decision on carrying out repair work.

Key words: reliability and  quality  of electricity, electrical  networks, electricity,  data sets, a system for diagnosing electrical equipment.


Creative Commons License


Software Development to Assess the Economic Efficiency of Operation and the Consequences of Upgrading the Equipment of Electric Grid Companies by Usacheva  I.V., Volkova A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Citation in English: Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 20 No. 5 2017 pp. 63-75


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