Hiwa M.Q. The use of the MCNP Code for Radiation Damage Calculations


Mohammad Qadr Hiwa
Assist. Lecturer, Department of Physics, College of Science,
University of Raparin
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Main St., Ranya, Iraq

Abstract. This work gives a detailed analysis of the result of Monte Carlo physics practical using MCNP. This paper describes basic concepts of the Monte Carlo theory of radiation transport calculation and also discusses the variance and the history method as used in Monte Carlo Problem solving. Therefore, in this exercise the MCNP code has been used to solve and estimate the number of neutron flux. The paper investigated the impact of the primary radiation damage in iron by the neutron energy irradiation. The established measurement of radiation damage is the displacements per atom (dpa) in matter as a function of neutron energy. The simulations were carried out to calculate the dpa cross section.

Key words: neutron damage, MCNP, displacement per atom, NRT, computational algorithms.

Creative Commons License
The use of the MCNP Code for Radiation Damage Calculations by Hiwa M.Q. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishMathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 24 No. 1 2021, pp. 70-77

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