Lukyantsev D.S., Afanasiev N.T., Kalashnikova E.I., Tanaev A.B. Mathematical Modeling of Refraction Characteristics of Electromagnetic Radiation at Stochastic Gravitational Field

Dmitriy S. Lukyantsev
Lecturer, Department of Radiophysics and Radioelectronics,
Irkutsk State University
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Gagarina Boulevard, 20, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Nikolay T. Afanasiev
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Department of Radiophysics and Radioelectronics,
Irkutsk State University
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Gagarina Boulevard, 20, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Ekaterina I. Kalashnikova
Master Student,
Irkutsk State University
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Gagarina Boulevard, 20, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Andrey B. Tanaev
Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Department of General and Experimental Physics,
Irkutsk State University
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Gagarina Boulevard, 20, 664003 Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Abstract. Numerical-analytical modeling is used for estimation of gravitational noise influence on propagation of electromagnetic radiation at gravitational field of a group of astrophysical objects. The method bases on numerical integrate of system of light differential equations in the Euler’s form, added differential equations for calculation of statistic moments of side fluctuations of light at a picture plane of observer. The influence of gravitation was taken into account by introducing of the effective refraction index of vacuum, expressed through a gravitational potential. Visions about spatial correlation function of inhomogeneities of effective refraction index of vacuum are used as model. Calculating of gravitation effects of group astrophysical objects are performed under assumption additive contribution of field of every objects in general gravitational field. Modeling of the refraction characteristics of electromagnetic radiation is performed for a various configurations of gravitation field. Results of calculating are shown at a picture plane of observer. The blurring effects of gravitational lensing are investigated at dependence from position of localized area of gravitational noise and astrophysical objects. It’s showed that for case of single-component gravitational field full coverage of object by area of gravitational noise match maximum blurring of lensing effect. The features of gravitational focusing are determined at dependence from position of area noise for asymmetrical twocomponent gravitational field, where one of objects coverage by area of gravitational noise. Offered tool of modeling can be used for both investigation of gravitational lensing of multi-component gravitational field in presence variety of limited area of gravitational noise and under conditions uniform spatial distribution of stochastic gravitational inhomogeneities. Also it can use for recovering of gravitational potentials of non-radiating (hidden) objects by characteristics of received electromagnetic radiation of remote space sources.

Key words: modeling, gravitational lensing, gravitational noise, gravitational field, light approximation, differential equations, fluctuations.

Creative Commons License
Mathematical Modeling of Refraction Characteristics of Electromagnetic Radiation at Stochastic Gravitational Field by Lukyantsev D.S., Afanasiev N.T., Kalashnikova E.I., Tanaev A.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishMathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 27 No. 2 2024, pp. 48-60

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