Ordyan M.G., Petrova V.E. Interaction of Cracks in an Elastic Two-Component Material Under Anti-Plane Shear Loading


Mikael Gareginovich Ordyan
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
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20-letiya Oktayabrya St., 84, 394006 Voronezh, Russian Federation

Vera Evgenyevna Petrova
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Applied Analysis,
Voronezh State University,
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Universitetskaya Sq., 1, 394018 Voronezh, Russian Federation

Abstract. The paper deals with a problem of the interaction of an interface crack with internal cracks in two-component materials (bimaterials) subjected to antiplane shear loading. The problem is formulated by means of the singular integral equations, where the unknowns are the derivatives of displacement jumps on the crack lines. The regular kernels of the equations contain the geometry of the problem, i.e. the coordinates of the crack centers, the inclination angles of the cracks to the interface and crack lengths. The singular integral equations were solved numerically using the quadrature formulas based on the Chebyshev polynomials. Then, the stress intensity factors Mode III (shear mode) were obtained. The stress intensity factors (SIFs) are the local characteristics of the stress-strain state in the vicinity of the crack tips. The higher SIF - the higher stresses are near the crack tips. If the SIF exceeds the critical value, the crack starts to propagate. At the same time the small crack near the interface crack tip can suppress the crack propagation and it was observed for some crack arrangements and for some combination of the materials in the considered problem.
A parametric analysis of the effects of the location and orientation of the internal cracks on the SIF in the interface crack tips was performed for different shear moduli of the constituent materials. The following combinations of the materials were considered: Al2O3/Ni, Al2O3/SiC, TiC/Al, Al2O3/ZrO2, TiC/SiC. It was shown that the SIFs in the interface crack tip can be amplified or shielded by the internal cracks, besides, the shear moduli of the constituent materials notably affect the SIFs of the interface crack.

Key words: interface, shear modulus, stress intensity factor, anti-plane shear loading, singular integral equation.

Creative Commons License

Interaction of Cracks in an Elastic Two-Component Material Under Anti-Plane Shear Loading by Ordyan M.G., Petrova V.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishScience Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №3 (34) 2016 pp. 53-62

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