Batkhin A.B. Resonance Set of a Polynomial and Problem of Formal Stability

Alexander Borisovich Batkhin
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Miusskaya Sq., 4, 125047 Moscow, Russian Federation

2016 4 Batkhin

Key words: elimination theory, subresultant, computer algebra, formal stability of a stationary point, resonance set.

Creative Commons License

Resonance Set of a Polynomial and Problem of Formal Stability by Batkhin A.B. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishScience Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №4 (35) 2016 pp. 6-24

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