Strukova I.I. Harmonic Analysis of Periodic at Infinity Functions in Homogeneous Spaces
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Irina Igorevna Strukova
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Junior Researcher,
Department of Nonlinear Fluctuations,
Voronezh State University
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Universitetskaya Sq., 1, 394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation
Abstract. This article is devoted to homogeneous spaces F(R, X ) of functions defined on R with their values in a complex Banach space X. We introduce a notion of slowly varying at infinity function from F(R, X ). We also consider some criteria for a function to be slowly varying at infinity. Then it is stated that for each slowly varying at infinity function from any homogeneous space (not necessary continuous, for instance, a function from Stepanov space Sp(R, X ), or Lp(R, X ),) there exists a uniformly continuous slowly varying at infinity function that differs from the first one by a function decreasing at infinity. In other words, a function from the corresponding subspace F0(R, X) .
In the second part of the article we introduce a notion of periodic at infinity function from homogeneous space. Our main results are connected with harmonic analysis of periodic at infinity functions from F(R, X ). Periodic at infinity functions appear naturally as bounded solutions of certain classes of differential and difference equations. In this paper we develop basic harmonic analysis for such functions. We introduce the notion of a generalized Fourier series of a periodic at infinity function from homogeneous space. The Fourier coefficients in this case may not be constants, they are functions that are slowly varying at infinity. Moreover, it is stated that generalized Fourier coefficients of a function that may not be continuous can be chosen continuous. We use methods of the spectral theory of locally compact Abelian group isometric representations (Banach modules over group algebras).
Key words: Banach space, L1(R)-module, homogeneous space, slowly varying at infinity function, periodic at infinity function, Fourier series.
Harmonic Analysis of Periodic at Infinity Functions in Homogeneous Spaces by Strukova I.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Citation in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. №2 (39) 2017 pp. 29-38