Rahman S., Khan M., Horaira A. On pseudo-slant submanifolds of nearly quasi-sasakian manifolds


Shamsur Rahman
PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University
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Polytechnic Satellite Campus Darbhanga,846002 Bihar, India

Mohd Sadiq Khan
PhD, Department of Mathematics,
Shibli National College
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Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh 276001, India

Aboo Horaira
Department of Mathematics,
Shibli National College
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Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh 276001, India

Abstract. The geometry of pseudoslant submanifolds of nearly quasi Sasakian manifold is studied. It is proved that totally umbilical properslant submanifold of nearly quasi Sasakian manifold admits totally geodesic if the mean curvature vector H ∈ μ. The integrability conditions of the distributions of pseudoslant submanifolds of nearly quasi Sasakian manifold are also obtained.

Key words: Nearly quasi-Sasakian manifold, slant submanifold, proper slant submanifold, pseudoslant submanifold.

Creative Commons License
On pseudo-slant submanifolds of nearly quasi-sasakian manifolds by S. Rahman, M. Khan, A. Horaira is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Citation in EnglishMathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 22 No. 4 2019, pp. 39-52


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