Siddiqi M. n-Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons on f-Kenmotsu manifolds

Mohd Danish Siddiqi
Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Jazan University
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Abstract. The aim of the present research article is to study the f-kenmotsu manifolds admitting the η-Ricci Solitons and gradient Ricci solitons with respect to the semi-symmetric non metric connection.

Key words: η-Ricci Solitons, gradient Ricci soliton, f-Kenmotsu manifolds, semi-symmetric non metric connection,  η-Einstein manifold.

Creative Commons License
η-Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons on f-Kenmotsu manifolds by Siddiqi M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishMathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 23 No. 4 2020, pp. 19-34

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