Siddiqi M.D., Siddiqi S.A. k-Yamabe and quasi k-Yamabe solitons on imperfect fluid Generalized Robertson - Walker spacetime

Mohd Danish Siddiqi
PhD, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
College of Science, Jazan University
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Al Maarefah Rd, 82817 Jazan, Saudi Arabia

Shah Alam Siddiqi
PhD, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
College of Science, Jazan University
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Al Maarefah Rd, 82817 Jazan, Saudi Arabia

Abstract. In this research article, we estimate the behavior of an imperfect fluid generalized Robertson - Walker spacetime (GRW) in terms of k-Yamabe soliton with torseforming vector field. Besides this, we evaluate a specific situation when the potential vector filed ξ is of the form of gradient i.e, ξ = grad(Ψ), we extract a Laplace-Poisson equation, and Liouville equation from the quasi k-Yamabe soliton equation.

Key words: k-Yamabe soliton, imperfect fluid Generalized Robertson - Walker spacetime, torseforming vector field, Einstein manifold.

Creative Commons License
k-Yamabe and quasi k-Yamabe solitons on imperfect fluid Generalized Robertson - Walker spacetime by Siddiqi M.D., Siddiqi S.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Citation in EnglishMathematical Physics and Computer Simulation. Vol. 25 No. 1 2022, pp. 21-33

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