Science Journal of VolSU. Mathematics. Physics. 2014. № 3 (22)
Title: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Mathematics. Physics. 2014 № 3 (22) [Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 1. Математика. Физика. 2014. № 3 (22)]
Issue: 3 (22) Date: August, 2014 Pages: 61
Articles: 7 Total circulation: 500
- Akopyan R.S. Some estimates of the asymptotic behaviour of the minimal surface over strip domain
- Goncharov Yu.V., Losеv A.G., Svеtlov A.V. Harmonic functions on cones of model manifolds
- Zorich V.A. A remark on the canonical distribution
- Pomеlnikov Yu.V. On history of relative distance in plane domain
- Sеvostyanov E.A., Dolya D.S. On equicontinuity of one family of space mappings with unbounded characteristic
- Klyachin V.A., Chеbanеnko N.A. A bout linear preimages of continuous maps, that preserve orientation of triangles
- Krushkal S.L. A question of Ahlfors